Brink’s Vaulting and Storage


Brink’s Vaulting and Storage

Brink's provides secured vaulting and storage facilities for cash.

Brink’s Vaulting and Storage Overview

Where your cash finds secure shelter.

Brink's cash vaulting and storage offerings allow you to secure, manage, and access your cash through our unified services.

Fulfilling your requirements to secure your assets

Our customers’ cash is stored in specially constructed, highly secured vaults. Our lockers, equipped with the latest security features, are among the best in class.

Asset Publisher

24/7 Surveillance

Your cash is stored in highly secured vaults, patrolled by trained security guards, and remotely monitored under 24/7 surveillance.

Technology, MIS, Reconciliation

With cutting-edge technologies, Brink's has accurate and accelerated reconciliation and MIS processes.

Insurance Cover/Loss Payee Certificate

So you can rest assured, Brink's provides comprehensive insurance policies to cover cash handled through our services.